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Signs and Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)

Medically Approved by Dr. Edward Salko

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This article is Medically Approved by Dr. Edward Salko

Hypotension is a condition characterized by low blood pressure specifically below 90/60 (systolic/diastolic). Blood pressure is produced by the contraction of the muscles in the heart causing a significant pressing against the arterial walls.

The ideal blood pressure is normally less than 120/80. People pay more attention when their blood pressure increases due to the fact that more medical complications are associated therein such as cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, etc. Lower blood pressure typically doesn’t cause the same level of alarm for normal people but it could be a vital indicator of underlying serious health issues.

During hypotension the regular flow of blood becomes very low, hence, the delivery of oxygen and nutrients become slower than usual that it affects the normal functions of the vital organs.

Symptoms of Hypotension

Experiencing hypotension could either be symptomatic or asymptomatic. Low blood pressure without symptoms can be more serious. But for those who are experiencing the following irregularities, it is time to grab a blood pressure cuff.

1. Lightheadedness

2.  Nausea

3.  Dizziness

4.  Fatigue

5. Fainting

6. Blurry vision

7. Cold and sweaty skin

Types of Hypotension

Low blood pressure can either be temporary or chronic. There are different types of hypotension specifically based on how and when people experience the symptom of dizziness, fainting, and nausea.

1. Neurally Mediated Hypotension – Low blood pressure symptoms are experienced after an extended period of standing and exercising. This can also be linked to emotionally upsetting events.

2.  Postprandial Hypotension – The sudden dip in the blood pressure is experienced after eating. It is also observed among patients with Parkinson’s disease.

3.  Postural Hypotension – Fainting and feeling lightheadedness occur after changing positions such as standing up quickly. People often describe the experience as seeing dots or stars.

4.  Severe Hypotension – This type of hypotension is usually associated with shock. Blood pressure is dangerously reduced in the event of shock or trauma. In this sense, the condition can be perilous.

Causes of Hypotension

A drop in the blood pressure can be a normal response of the body in threatening circumstances. The likelihood of getting a significant drop in your blood pressure is linked to the following:

1.  Dehydration

2.  Depression

3.  Erectile dysfunction

4.  Pregnancy

5.  Blood infection

6.  Blood loss

7.  Hormonal imbalance

8.  Liver disorders

9.  Heart disease and other cardiovascular problems

10.  Nutritional diseases

11.  Alcoholism

12.  Medications for treating hypertension

Life-Threatening Conditions associated with Hypotension

1.  Anaphylaxis

2.  Sepsis

3.  Severe bleeding

4.  Severe dehydration

5.  Extreme temperature change

6.  Severe inflammation of internal organs

Diagnosing Underlying Medical Conditions

It is always best to pay a visit to your doctor once any health irregularities are observed. Once your Doctor confirms hypotension, the next step is to diagnose the health problem that causes the condition. Your medical history and genetic disposition are usually taken into great consideration along with other symptoms you have experienced. Test for heart disease, anemia, diabetes, thyroid problems vitamin deficiencies, and hormonal imbalance are also included in the diagnostic procedure. 

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