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Key Questions about Food Allergies

Medically Approved by Dr. Edward Salko

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Allergies are complex and require a thorough examination before a treatment routine can be determined. The first step in treating mild allergies is to make sure the right questions are being asked. These questions with help you and your doctor identify and treat your food allergies.

1. The specific allergens

Identifying the substances that trigger your allergic reaction is essential to managing food allergies. Once identified, allergic triggers should be avoided to prevent the adverse symptoms associated with allergies. Talk to your doctor about the conditions under which you experience an allergic relation to help identify your triggers.

2. Appropriate Treatment

There are a wide variety of treatments associated with allergies ranging from over-the-counter antihistamines to allergy shots administered by your doctor. The method of treatment depends on the severity of the food allergy. Following your doctor’s recommendation is important in identifying the appropriate form and frequency of treatment.

3. Prescriptions and Alternatives

The best solution to managing a food allergy is to avoid the allergen. Over-the-counter histamines are popular for treating allergies, as are prescription drugs (it may be noted that prescription drugs are expensive and often have adverse side effects such as fatigue). You should consult your doctor even when using over-the-counter medicines or home remedies. Some popular home remedies include using a saltwater solution to clear the nasal paths or eating foods rich in omega-3’s to help fight inflammation.

4. Drugs to Avoid

This is one question that most people forget to ask. It is important to note that certain allergies can cross-react with other substances. For instance, a person reeling under a ragweed allergy could also react to melons, bananas, sunflower seeds, honey, chamomile, etc. If a person’s allergy is likely to make them sensitive to other substances, they need to know when to be more cautious.

5. Allergy Shots and How They Work

Allergy shots work in most cases. A person needs to be sure of the frequency at which the injections can be taken and the time period over which they should be continued.

No matter how severe your food allergy may be, life can be made simpler with a doctor’s intervention at the right time. Consult with the doctor and order allergy blood testing to get answers to your specific questions regarding your food allergy to treat it quicker and better.

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