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Is Your State on the Allergy Hit List? Find Out Here!

Medically Approved by Dr. Edward Salko

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Helpless sick woman with allergies

During spring, newspapers, magazines, and internet feeds are flooded with headlines broadcasting the worst cities for allergies in the US. 

Due to their seasonal grasses and climate, the East Coast and Southwest Region are particularly difficult places for allergy sufferers. However, other areas may have a similar effect depending on your allergy type. 

Nonetheless, for seasonal allergies, you may want to limit your travel in the following states or be selective with places you like to visit to manage your allergy symptoms. 

Did You Know? Pollen allergy is the epitome of seasonal allergies and makes it less tolerable to be in certain places, especially during spring. Factors contributing to a city or state with high pollen allergies include plenty of grass, weeds, and trees, climate conditions, and topography. 


Wichita, Kansas is dubbed one of worst cities for allergies in the US.

Kansas in the Midwest is known for its flat terrain and warm temperature. On top of that, it is also typically windy, making it easier for allergens to disperse and be more ubiquitous. 

Tree pollens in Kansas are widespread. During spring, pollen from the oak, maple, elm, and cedar trees spread through the air. 

In summer, tree allergies can be triggered by pollen from Timothy and Bermuda grass and Kentucky bluegrass. 

On the other hand, ragweed is more common in fall, between September and November. 

Wichita, one of the prominent cities in Kansa, ranked high in the top 2023 Allergy Capitals(1). The report came from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and highlighted the higher-than-average pollen quantity and allergy medicine use. 

Plus, Wichita also has fewer board-certified allergists and immunologists, which makes the proportion per case insufficient. 

If you’re a resident of Kansas or planning to travel to this state but are unsure if you have seasonal allergies, check out our Allergen Profile (blood test) for KS, ND, NE, and SD


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma made the list of allergy capitals in the US.

Cities like Tulsa and Oklahoma City also consistently make it to the list of allergy capitals in the US. Similar to Kansas, areas like these cities have longer growing seasons due to their overall warm temperature and windy conditions.

Oklahoma doesn’t necessarily have dominant trees that produce pollen. However, during summers, grasses like Bermuda can sprawl throughout the state’s plain terrain. As a result, more grass pollen(2) is scattered in the air. 

People living in Oklahoma and Texas who are prone to allergies may consider taking the Allergen Profile for OK and TX. You can order the blood test online in just a few steps. 


Scranton, Pennsylvania also belongs to the worst places in the US for allergies. 

Certain cities in Pennsylvania often make the list of the worst places in the US for allergies. For example, Scranton ranked third on the allergy capitals list. The level of humidity in this city triggers the overproduction of mold, which impacts mold allergy sufferers. 

Additionally, seasonal allergens from birch, oak, and maple trees are rampant during spring, while ragweed pollen disperses during summer. Scranton is located within a valley, which traps the allergens, making them circulate through wind motions. 

Get tested for environmental allergies in Pennsylvania through our Allergen Profile for CT, ME, NH, PA, and VT. The blood test panel also includes allergens common in Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and other states in the Northeastern region.   


Hartford, Connecticut isn’t exactly a friendly city if you have environmental allergies. 

Oak trees are dominant in Connecticut, making the state unfriendly among those with an oak allergy, especially during spring. Other trees that may cause springtime allergies include maple, elm, ash, and birch.  

However, not all cities should be avoided by individuals with environmental allergies. Nonetheless, cities like New Haven, Hartford, and Bridgeport are known to be challenging during the pollen season. 


Miami in Florida is one of the allergy capitals in the US. 

Florida’s year-long warm climate makes it a hub for pollen production. It doesn’t help either that the state’s topography is plain, and humidity is high, trapping pollen in the air. 

Common sources of allergens in Florida include molds, ragweed, Bermuda grass, and trees like hickory, cedar, ash, and oak. 

In the top 2023 allergy capital report, several cities made it to the list, specifically Sarasota, Cape Coral, Orlando, Miami, Lakeland, Palm Bay, and Tampa. 

Don’t let your seasonal allergies take control of your health. Learn if you have the condition before one trigger puts your life at risk. Take the Allergen Profile for FL if you live in Florida, particularly south of Orlando. 

North Carolina

Greenville, North Carolina has tree allergens that could worse pollen allergy. 

North Carolina has diverse tree species that contain many popular sources of tree allergens, such as pine, birch, oak, and hickory. The sheer abundance, significantly during spring, can trigger allergy flare-ups.

In addition, North Carolina also has fewer registered allergists per capita, making it challenging for people with seasonal allergists to access personalized care. 

Among the allergy capitals in the US are cities from North Carolina, specifically Greenville, Raleigh, and Greensboro. 


Dallas, Texas is a hub for annual pollen production, making it less ideal for those with allergies.  

The state of Texas is popular for its varying climate, from arid to humid, depending on what area you are in. 

For example, Dallas remains one of the worst cities for allergies in the US due to its moderate climate that promotes pollen production all year. Winters in Texas are mild, which means pollen reduction is not as aggressive.  

Some of the most prevalent allergens in Texas include ragweed, ryegrass, Bermuda grass, and Johnson grass. Tree pollen allergies may come from oak and mountain cedar. Plus, in Western Texas, where humidity is high, mold allergies can be prevalent. 

How to Protect Yourself From Seasonal Allergies

Although there are worse cities for allergies in the US, it doesn’t necessarily mean that other places are completely allergy-free. Remember that as people travel and settle in different places, they carry the allergens in the form of plants and chemicals. 

Still, depending on the type of allergy a person suffers, some locations might provide a haven for allergy sufferers. Some of the best US cities for allergy management are Seattle, Portland (Oregon and Maine), Denver, San Francisco Bay Area, Provo, Boise, Buffalo, and Madison

Nonetheless, before you migrate to these cities, keep in mind that allergy management goes beyond relocation. Even if you live in such places, you must practice the following actions to prevent allergy flare-ups.

  • Close your doors and windows
  • Make sure your air conditioning has a HEPA filter
  • Wear a mask when going outside
  • Change your clothes after spending time outside
  • Limit outdoor activities during the pollen season
  • Lower indoor humidity using a humidifier
  • Regularly wash your sheets

If you exhibit allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, itchiness, swelling, and fatigue, don’t wait for it to get hurt before taking your medication. If you’re not diagnosed with any allergy and show the same symptoms during pollen season, consult your doctor. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are allergies common in the USA?

USA ticks the boxes of factors that could trigger various allergies. For example, several US states stimulate pollen production during spring due to its ideal climate, wind conditions, terrain type, and abundance of flora that release pollen allergens. In addition, studies reveal that Americans have a more sensitive immune response to allergens, especially in radically shifty climates(3)

Why is Florida so bad for allergies?

Tress and grasses thrive in Florida due to its warm weather, less harsh winters, and rainy seasons. The condition is perfect for the annual production of pollen – a popular allergen to many. As a result, Florida tends to be more challenging for those with environmental allergies. 

Are allergies worse in New York or Florida?

Florida has seven cities in the top 20 allergy capitals in 2023, while New York only has one city on the list. Therefore, data suggest that Florida can be worse than New York in terms of pollen allergy management. 

The Bottom Line

As of this writing, the 2024 allergy capitals have not been released by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. However, looking at the yearly pattern, most cities on the 2023 list may remain included. Still, the apparent changes in climate patterns, urbanization, and the increasing availability of allergists can make a difference. To ensure proper allergy management, talk to your healthcare provider and take the necessary allergy blood test


1 Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, (2023). 2023 Allergy Capitals.

Retrieved from

2 Levetin E. Aeroallergens and Climate Change in Tulsa, Oklahoma: Long-Term Trends in the South Central United States. Front Allergy. 2021 Oct 7;2:726445. doi: 10.3389/falgy.2021.726445. PMID: 35386984; PMCID: PMC8974782.

3 Pacheco SE, Guidos-Fogelbach G, Annesi-Maesano I, Pawankar R, D’ Amato G, Latour-Staffeld P, Urrutia-Pereira M, Kesic MJ, Hernandez ML; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Environmental Exposures and Respiratory Health Committee. Climate change and global issues in allergy and immunology. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 Dec;148(6):1366-1377. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2021.10.011. Epub 2021 Oct 21. PMID: 34688774.

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