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Welcome to GoodRx
loyalty customer!

We are working with GoodRx to offer you a great lab testing experience with 20% OFF any lab test

Discount code: GOODRX20

Why choose Personalabs?

Find what fits you best

Personalabs is the one-stop online shop for direct to consumer lab testing, giving the individual the ability to choose the lab tests they want at a price they can afford. There are over 400 lab tests to choose from on our site, with access to thousands more. Once your order is placed we take care of the rest.

Be in control

Personalabs provides you with a lab order so you can go and have your specimen taken at 1 of the 2,300 lab locations nationwide and in as little as 24-48 hours, your results are distributed directly to your Personalabs secure account.

With Personalabs, the individual is in control and is able to take a proactive approach to a healthier lifestyle.

Get in touch

If you need help placing your order, a Personalabs Helper is available on live chat or you can call 888-438-5227.

Send us your “e-mail” and a sales representative will contact you to assist with your order.

Your Health In Your Hands with Personalabs

Your Health in Your Hands with Personalabs


Save up to
80% on meds!

We now offer pharmacy discounts through our PersonalabsRx platform.

We now offer pharmacy discounts through our PersonalabsRx platform.

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