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Hormone Testing

Hormones keep your body functioning at its best. Monitor your levels with fast, accurate hormone testing from Personalabs.

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Pat’s Performance Panel

The Pat’s Performance Panel test is designed to evaluate the general health of those who are undergoing testosterone replacement…

Reverse T3 Blood Test

Reverse T3 can be used to evaluate individuals with low T3, and to evaluate metabolism and thyroid function. Acute…

Triiodothyronine (T3), Total Blood Test

Thyroid function which is particularly useful in the diagnosis of T3 thyrotoxicosis, in which T3 is increased and T4…

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Blood Test

Also Known As Interstitial Cell-Stimulating Hormone (ICSH), Lutropin Purpose of the LH Test Luteinizing hormone (LH) is produced in the brain’s…

Metabolic Hormone Profile Blood Test

Purpose of the Test – Evaluating Your Hormonal Health The Metabolic Hormone Profile Blood Test is created to track the…

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Menopause Screening Profile Blood Test

Also Known As Hormone Panel, Menopausal Hormone Levels The Purpose of the Menopause Screening Test Menopause is a major life change…

Pregnenolone, MS Blood Test

Also Known As Pregnenolone, Mass Spectrometry Blood Test Purpose of the Pregnenolone Blood Test This test is primarily used to detect…

Gastrin Blood Test

Purpose of the Gastrin Blood Test The gastrin test helps diagnose Zollinger-Ellison (Z-E) syndrome, G-cell hyperplasia, and other gastrinomas (tumors secreting gastrin), which…

Amenorrhea Profile Blood Test

Also Known As Amenorrhea Panel Blood Test Purpose of the Amenorrhea Blood Test You have amenorrhea if you are unable to menstruate,…

Estrone (E1) Blood Test

The Purpose of an Estrone Blood Test This test focuses on one of the three main types of estrogen, a primary…


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